
furo-entity-field #

@furo/data v2.18.0
import '@furo/data/src/furo-entity-field.js';
exports FuroEntityField js
exports <furo-entity-field> custom-element-definition
superclass LitElement

summary interact with single field of a data object

Use this component to interact with fields from a furo-data-object.

You can update the field value or listen to changes of a field.

<furo-entity-field fn-bind-data="--dataObject(*.field)"></furo-entity-field>

Attributes and Properties #

value #

Set a value to update the fieldnode

Events #

value-changed #


Fired when the field value or a child value of it was changed.

Methods #

setValue #

setValue(value * ) ⟹ void

* fn-set-value

Set the value of the field.

  • value

bindData #

bindData(fieldNode Object|FieldNode ) ⟹ void

Object|FieldNode fn-bind-data

Bind a FieldNode to the date-input.


  • fieldNode a Field object

deleteNode #

deleteNode() ⟹ void


Trigger deleteNode on the FieldNode.