
@furo/data #

@furo/data v2.18.0 Furo data components

These are probably the most important components of the furo web components.

The components builds the bridge from the ui implementations to the data sources by respecting the specs.

The agents in this module are responsible to communicate directly with the specified sources and will feed the data object with the needed data. furo-api-fetch, which is also used by the agents, can fetch any data from any sources and do the error and success “handling”.

flowchart LR I1(Input Component) -. data binding --- DO(Data Object); I2(Custom Component) -. data binding --- DO(Data Object); DO -- set data --> A(Entity Agent); A -- updates --> DO; A <-- fetch / update --> API[(Rest API)]; SB(Save Button) -- triggers --> A LB(Load Button) -- triggers --> A

Shematic flow

Installation #


npm i -S @furo/data`

What is inside #

Components #